superkuh's half-assed full-text library sub-directory search

Previous search results indices.

For the query "harabec" in the directory Games/, these results were found (so far, refresh for progress):

  1. tutech.html (172.8 kB)
  2. TribesManual_.pdf (1.8 MB)
  3. tuguide.html (96.7 kB)
  4. Of Wolves and Eagles_ Part 1 and 2_ David R Meddish.txt (39.9 kB)
  5. tufiretruce.html (52.3 kB)
  6. tutimeline.doc (54 kB)
  7. SST Game Manual.pdf (14.4 MB)
  8. tutech.doc (282.5 kB)
  9. tuguide.doc (203.5 kB)
  10. tufiretruce.doc (117 kB)
  11. tutimeline.html (25.3 kB)
  12. TheChase.txt (51.9 kB)
  13. StarsiegePilotGuide.pdf (12.9 MB)

Only searching subdirectories is allowed. /library/ full searches are disabled. To search something else, just add "/find-your search" to any directory in the library.

"/find-a few", when added to any URL in the Library subdirectory will return search results for "a few words" after a delay. If there is anything not alphanumberic in the string the log parser won't even trigger the search. No caching or pre-conversion to text is implemented yet so it has to convert every time and it's really slow, as you can see.