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For the query "lipid bilayer" in the directory Neuroscience/, these results were found (so far, refresh for progress):
- Developmental Plasticity of Inhibitory Circuitry_ Sarah L Pallas_ 2009.pdf (3.2 MB)
- Voltage-Gated Calcium Channels_ Gerald Werner Zamponi_ 2009.pdf (29.9 MB)
- The Neurobiologists Guide to Structural Biology_ A Primer on Why Macromolecular Structure Matters and How to Evaluate Structural Data_ Daniel L Minor Jr_ Neuron_ 2007.pdf (1.2 MB)
- The Nociceptive Membrane_ Volume 57_ Current Topics in Membranes_ Uhtaek Oh_ Sidney A Simon_ Dale J Benos_ 2006.pdf (4.6 MB)
- Phase Transitions in Cell Biology_ GHPollack WCChin.pdf (7.1 MB)
- Single-Channel Recording_ 2nd Ed_ Bert Sakmann_ Erwin Neher_ 2009.pdf (40.8 MB)
- Mathematical Foundations of Neuroscience_ G Bard Ermentrout_ David H Terman_ 2010.pdf (6.1 MB)
- I of the Vortex_ From Neurons to Self_ Rodolfo R Llinas.pdf (2.5 MB)
- Protein Trafficking in Neurons_ Andrew J Bean_ 2006.pdf (11.8 MB)
- The Synaptic Organization of the Brain_ 5th Ed_ Gordon M Shepherd_ 2004.pdf (50.1 MB)
- General anaesthesia_ from molecular targets to neuronal pathways of sleep and arousal_ Nicholas P Franks_ 2008.pdf (2.5 MB)
- The Blood-Brain Barrier and Its Microenvironment_ Basic Physiology to Neurological Disease_ Elga de Vries_ Alexandre Prat_ 2005.pdf (4 MB)
- Bioelectromagnetism_ Principles and Applications of Bioelectric and Biomagnetic Fields_ Jaakko Malmivuo_ Robert Plonsey_ 1995.pdf (10 MB)
- Essential Neuromodulation_ Jeffrey E Arle_ Jay L Shils_ 2011.pdf (16.2 MB)
- Post-capillary venules are the key locus for transcytosis-mediated brain delivery of therapeutic nanoparticles_ Krysztof Kucharz et al_ 2021.pdf (21.5 MB)
- The OpenPicoAmp_ an open-source planar lipid bilayer amplifier for hands-on learning of neuroscience_ arxiv14037439v1.pdf (2.9 MB)
- Optical Antenna-based Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy to Probe the Nanoscale Dynamics of Biological Membranes_ arxiv171206817.pdf (1022.8 kB)
- Safety of transcranial focused ultrasound stimulation_ A systematic review of the state of knowledge from both human and animal studies_ C Pasquinelli_ L G Hanson_ H R Siebner_ H J Lee_ A Thielscher_ jbrs 2019.pdf (1.7 MB)
- Remote Excitation of Neuronal Circuits Using Low Intensity Low Frequency Ultrasound_ William J Tyler_ 2010.pdf (577.3 kB)
- Noninvasive neuromodulation with ultrasound? - a continuum mechanics hypothesis - 2010.pdf (818.3 kB)
- Remote excitation of neuronal circuits using low-intensity, low-frequency ultrasound.pdf (577.3 kB)
- currbio-14-294.pdf (647.8 kB)
- tyler2010neurosnts.pdf (818.3 kB)
- PLoS One - LILFU 2008.pdf (577.3 kB)
- Auditory Neuroscience_ Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences_ 2001.pdf (4.9 MB)
- Neuroglia in the Aging Brain_ Jean de Vellis_ 2002.pdf (6.3 MB)
- Glial Neurobiology_ Alexei Verkhratsky_ Arthur Butt_ 2007.pdf (8.1 MB)
- Neuroglia_ Helmut Kettenmann_ Bruce R Ransom_ 2004.pdf (126.2 MB)
- How We Feel_ Ion Channel Partnerships that Detect Mechanical Inputs and Give Rise to Touch and Pain Perception_ Shane L Geffeney_ Miriam B Goodman_ Neuron 2012.pdf (955.6 kB)
- Thermal Biophysics of Membranes_ Tutorials in Biophysics_ Thomas Heimburg.pdf (8.5 MB)
- Breaking the Meyer-Overton Rule_ Predicted Effects of Varying Stiffness and Interfacial Activity on the Intrinsic Potency of Anesthetics_ Robert S Cantor_ 2001.pdf (159.7 kB)
- The capacitance and electromechanical coupling of lipid membranes close to transistions_ The effect of electrostriction_ arxiv12062744.pdf (643.5 kB)
- A lipocentric view of peptide-induced pores_ G Fuertes_ D Gimenez_ S Esteban-Martin_ O L Sanchez-Munoz_ J Salgado_ 2011.pdf (1.1 MB)
- Stabilizing membrane domains antagonizes anesthesia_ arxiv160400412.pdf (346.7 kB)
- Coupling of chain melting and bilayer structure: domains, rafts, elasticity and fusion_ 2003_bookchapter_HeimburgElsevier.pdf (2.1 MB)
- Surface Plasmon Resonance for Measuring Interactions of Proteins with Lipid Membranes_ V Hodnik_ G Anderluh_ 2013.pdf (378.2 kB)
- The order-disorder transition in model lipid bilayers is a first-order hexatic to liquid phase transition_ arxiv150604310.pdf (6.4 MB)
- The living state_ how cellular excitability is controlled by the thermodynamic state of the membrane_ Christian FILLAFER_ Anne PAEGER_ Matthias F SCHNEIDER_ arxiv190506541_ 2019.pdf (1.7 MB)
- Phase state dependent current fluctuations in pure lipid membranes_ 2009_WunderlichHeimburgSchneider_BJ.pdf (501.3 kB)
- Hydrophobic Mismatch Triggering Texture Defects in Membrane Gel Domains_ Jes Dreier_ Johnathan R Brewer_ Adam C Simonsen_ JPCL 2013.pdf (388.3 kB)
- Ion-channel-like behavior in lipid bilayer membranes at the melting transition_ J Gallaher_ K Wodzinska_ T Heimburg_ M Bier_ 2010.pdf (222.6 kB)
- Direct visualization of the lateral structure of cerebrosides POPC mixtures in presence and absence of cholesterol_ M Fidorra_ T Heimburg_ L A Bagatolli_ 2009.pdf (808.8 kB)
- The capacitance and electromechanical coupling of lipid membranes close to transitions_ The effect of electrostriction_ arxiv12062744.pdf (643.5 kB)
- Effect of Temperature on the Nanomechanics of Lipid Bilayers Studied by Force Spectroscopy_ Sergi Garcia-Manyes_ Gerard Oncins_ Fausto Sanz_ 2005.pdf (455.2 kB)
- Structure and Dynamics of Membranes_ R Lipowsky_ E Sackmann.pdf (34.2 MB)
- Enthalpy and volume changes in lipid membranes_ The proportionality of heat and volume changes in the lipid melting transition and its implication for the elastic constants_ 2001_EbelHeimburg_JPCB.pdf (113.3 kB)
- Receptor Desensitization by Neurotransmitters in Membranes_ Are Neurotransmitters the Endogenous Anesthetics_ Robert S Cantor_ 2003.pdf (73.5 kB)
- Lipid Composition and the Lateral Pressure Profile in Bilayers_ Robert S Cantor_ 1999.pdf (188.5 kB)
- Rigidification of Neutral Lipid Bilayers in the Presence of Salts_ George Pabst et al_ BiophysJ 2007.pdf (366.4 kB)
- The effect of lipid demixing on the electrostatic interaction of planar membranes across a salt solution_ 2003_RussHeimburgGruenberg_BJ.pdf (239.8 kB)
- Towards a thermodynamic theory of nerve pulse propagation_ 2009_AndersenJacksonHeimburg_PNB.pdf (586.9 kB)
- A histogram method to obtain heat capacities in lipid monolayers, curved bilayers and membranes containing peptides_ 2001_IvanovaHeimburg_PRE.pdf (1.5 MB)
- Mechanical Surface Waves Accompany Action Potential Propagation_ arxiv14077600.pdf (1.3 MB)
- Mechanical aspects of membrane thermodynamics - estimation of mechanical properties of lipid membranes close to the chain melting transition_ 1998_Heimburg_BBA.pdf (322.6 kB)
- Phase Transitions in Cell Biology_ GHPollack WCChin.pdf (7.1 MB)
- Physical Properties of Biological Membranes_ 2009_Heimburg_arXiv.pdf (806.1 kB)
- On the influence of anesthetics, neurotransmitters and antibiotics on the relaxation processes in lipid membranes_ 2007_SeegerGudmundssonHeimburg_JPCB.pdf (146.9 kB)
- Membrane Microdomain Regulation of Neuron Signaling_ Ron Wallace_ 2009.pdf (3.1 MB)
- Effect of Sodium Chloride on a Lipid Bilayer_ 2003_BoeckmannHeimburgGrubm_BJ.pdf (466.5 kB)
- Size Distribution of Barrel-Stave Aggregates of Membrane Peptides_ Influence of the Bilayer Lateral Pressure Profile_ Robert S Cantor_ 2002.pdf (82.8 kB)
- The influence of membrane lateral pressures on simple geometric models of protein conformational equilibria_ Robert S Cantor_ 1999.pdf (215.6 kB)
- A fluorescent membrane tension probe_ Colom et al_ Nature Chem 2018.pdf (2.2 MB)
- Handbook of Neurochemistry and Molecular Neurobiology_ Neural Lipids_ Guido Tettamanti_ Gianfrancesco Goracci_ Abel Lajtha_ 2009.pdf (13.3 MB)
- The order-disorder phase transition in lipid bilayers mediates a force for assembly of transmembrane proteins_ arxiv150604298.pdf (7.4 MB)
- Relaxation kinetics of lipid membranes and its relation to the heat capacity_ 2002_GrabitzHeimburg_BJ.pdf (334.2 kB)
- The free energy of biomembrane and nerve excitation and the role of anesthetics_ arxiv180110455.pdf (1.1 MB)
- The thermodynamics of general and local anesthesia_ arxiv14018231.pdf (1.7 MB)
- The thermodynamics of general anesthesia_ 2007_HeimburgJackson_BJ.pdf (114.3 kB)
- Hot Topics in Neural Membrane Lipidology_ Akhlaq A Farooqui_ 2008.pdf (7.3 MB)
- Influence of Lipid Heterogeneity and Phase Behaviour on Phospholipase A2 Action at the Single Molecule Level_ M Gudmand_ S Rocha_ N Hatzakis_ K Peneva_ K Mullen_ H Uji-i_ J Hofgens_ T Bjornholm_ T Heimburg_ 2010.pdf (1.2 MB)
- Voltage-gated lipid ion channels_ A Blicher_ T Heimburg_ arxiv12093640.pdf (1.7 MB)
- On cell surface deformation during an action potential_ arxiv170304608.pdf (1.1 MB)
- Lipid membrane domain formation and alamethicin aggregation studied by calorimetry, sound velocity measurements, and atomic force microscopy_ 2008_OliynykHeimburgKaatze_BPC.pdf (1 MB)
- A lipocentric view of peptide-induced pores_ Gustavo Fuertes_ Diana Gimenez_ Santi Esteban-MartÃn_ Orlando L Sanchez-Munoz_ Jesus Salgado_ 2011.pdf (1.1 MB)
- Optically Teasing Apart Neural Swelling and Depolarization_ A J Foust_ D M Rector_ Neurosci_ 2007.pdf (943 kB)
- The temperature dependence of lipid membrane permeability, its quantized nature, and the influence of anesthetics_ 2009_BlicherWodzinskaHeimburg_BJ.pdf (699.6 kB)
- Effects of Functionalized Gold Nanoparticles on Floating Lipid Bilayers_ S Tatur_ M Maccarini_ R Barker_ A Nelson_ G Fragneto_ Langmuir 2013.pdf (1.1 MB)
- Solitary Shock Waves near Phase Transition in Lipid Interfaces and Nerves_ arxiv14112454.pdf (939.6 kB)
- Solute Modulation of Conformational Equilibria in Intrinsic Membrane Proteins_ Apparent Cooperativity without Binding_ Robert S Cantor_ 1999.pdf (62.6 kB)
- Electrical properties of polar membranes_ arxiv14116883.pdf (1.7 MB)
- Lateral Pressures in Cell Membranes_ A Mechanism for Modulation of Protein Function_ Robert S Cantor_ 1997.pdf (106.2 kB)
- Lipid Ion Channels_ Review_ JBiophysChem_ arXiv10012524_ 2010_Heimburg_BPC.pdf (1.3 MB)
- Melting of Single Lipid Components in Binary Lipid Mixtures_ A Comparison between FTIR Spectroscopy, DSC and Monte Carlo Simulations_ 2009_FidorraHeimburgSeeger_BBA.pdf (863.6 kB)
- Lipid ion channels and the role of proteins_ Lars D Mosgaard_ Thomas Heimburg_ arxiv13073045.pdf (1.7 MB)
- Bilayer Partition Coefficients of Alkanols_ Predicted Effects of Varying Lipid Composition_ Robert S Cantor_ 2001.pdf (38.4 kB)
- Primary and secondary components of nerve signals_ arxiv181205335.pdf (438.3 kB)
- Pore formation of lytic peptides in lipid membranes and their influence on the thermodynamic properties of the pore environment_ 2007_OliynykKaatzeHeimburg_BBA.pdf (1.2 MB)
- The Physics of nerves_ Thomas Heimburg_ arxiv10084279.pdf (1 MB)
- Mechanical Surface Waves Accompany Action Potential Propagation_ Ahmed El Hady_ Benjamin B Machta_ Nature Comm 2015.pdf (1.3 MB)
- Towards a thermodynamic theory of nerve pulse propagation_ Soren SL Anderson_ Andrew D Jackson_ Thomas Heimburg_ ProgressNeurobiology_ 2009.pdf (633 kB)
- Nerves and Anesthesia_ A physics perspective on medicine_ arxiv14092430.pdf (1.3 MB)
- Experimental approach for studying structural changes in axonal membrane upon nerve excitation_ Lauri Ahokas LK_ 2011.pdf (2.2 MB)
- Periodic solutions and refractory periods in the soliton theory for nerves and the locust femoral nerve_ E Villagran Vargas_ A Ludu_ R Hustert_ P Gumrich_ A D Jackson_ T Heimburg_ 2011.pdf (810.6 kB)
- The stability of solitons in biomembranes and nerves_ B Lautrup_ A D Jackson_ T Heimburg_ 2006_ arxiv0510106.pdf (180.4 kB)
- The Lateral Pressure Profile in Membranes_ A Physical Mechanism of General Anesthesia_ Robert S Cantor_ 1997.pdf (122.2 kB)
- Magnetic Stimulation of Neural Tissue_ Techniques and System Design_ Eric Basham_ Zhi Yang_ Natalia Tchemodanov_ Wentai Liu_ 2009.pdf (2 MB)
- Hippocampal Microcircuits_ A Computational Modelers Resource Book_ Vassilis Cutsuridis_ Bruce Graham_ Stuart Cobb_ Imre Vida_ 2010.pdf (18.3 MB)
- Hippocampal Microcircuits_ A Computational Modelers Resource Book_ 2010.pdf (18.3 MB)
- The Hippocampus Book_ Per Andersen_ Richard Morris_ David Amaral_ Tim Bliss_ John OKeefe_ 2006.pdf (23.8 MB)
- Photosensitivity of Neurons Enabled by Cell-Targeted Gold Nanoparticles_ Joao L Carvalho-de-Souza et al_ Neuron 2015.pdf (2.4 MB)
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