superkuh's half-assed full-text library sub-directory search

Previous search results indices.

For the query "mortar" in the directory Games/, these results were found (so far, refresh for progress):

  1. tutech.html (172.8 kB)
  2. SST Prima's Official Strategy Guide.pdf (3.1 MB)
  3. TribesManual_.pdf (1.8 MB)
  4. tuguide.html (96.7 kB)
  5. T1_1.40_TA_Conversion_v1.0.rar (52.7 MB)
  6. tribes-mod-screamingfist-sfb5b4.exe (19.3 MB)
  7. Tao of tribe v2.pdf (879.9 kB)
  8. SST Game Manual.pdf (14.4 MB)
  9. tutech.doc (282.5 kB)
  10. tuguide.doc (203.5 kB)

Only searching subdirectories is allowed. /library/ full searches are disabled. To search something else, just add "/find-your search" to any directory in the library.

"/find-a few", when added to any URL in the Library subdirectory will return search results for "a few words" after a delay. If there is anything not alphanumberic in the string the log parser won't even trigger the search. No caching or pre-conversion to text is implemented yet so it has to convert every time and it's really slow, as you can see.