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Index of /library/Physics/Pyroelectric Acceleration/

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Parent directory--
Background/-2024-Jan-19 05:48
Joe Scherrer/-2012-Dec-16 12:12
A Novel Compact Pyroelectric X-ray and Neutron Source_ Y Danon_ DOE-NEER-DE-FG07-04ID14596.pdf3.9 MiB2011-Feb-08 13:13
Application of the Pyroelectric Effect for X-ray Generation_ Emily Wern Jien Yap_ Thesis_ 2019.pdf19.2 MiB2024-Nov-23 16:53
Applications of pyroelectric particle accelerators_ Geuther Danon_ 2007.pdf163.4 KiB2011-Feb-08 14:09
A Pyroelectric Crystal Particle Accelerator_ A Gehring_ R Watson.ppt8.8 MiB2011-Jul-12 06:39
A Study of TGS Crystal Growth by Solution Technique_ R B Lal_ 1979.pdf2.6 MiB2011-Jul-13 16:03
Catalitically Induced D-D Fusion in Ferroelectrics_ V D Dougar Jabon_ G V Fedorovich_ N V Samsonenko_ 1997.pdf185.2 KiB2011-Jul-09 03:21
Continuous Emission of X-rays by Thermal Excitation of Six LiTaO3 Single Crystals_ Hiroyuki Honda_ Shinji Fukao_ Yang Guan..>735.5 KiB2011-Oct-11 13:22
Copious electron emission from triglycine sufate ferroelectric crystals_ V D Kugel_ G Rosenman_ D Shur_ J_Appl_Phys_78_224..>652.8 KiB2011-Jul-13 15:06
Crystal Driven Neutron Source_ A New Paradigm for Miniature Neutron Sources_ Tang_ 364209.pdf1.6 MiB2011-Feb-08 13:46
D-D Nuclear Fusion Using Different Size Pyroelectric Crystals_ Kovanen Gillich Fullem Danon_ 2009.pdf360.9 KiB2011-Feb-08 14:01
Design of a Multiloop Pyroelectric Neutron Generator Control System_ Alice Margaret Darbyshire_ Thesis_ 2020.pdf18.8 MiB2020-Oct-09 02:46
Deuterated target comparison for pyroelectric crystal D-D nuclear fusion experiments.pdf994.1 KiB2011-Feb-08 13:58
Deuterium Ionization For Pyroelectric Crystal Accelerators.pdf44.9 KiB2011-Jul-09 00:36
Development of a Fingertip-sized Miniature X-ray Source Using a Laser-heated Pyroelectric Crystal_ Satoshi Abo_ Takahiro U..>1.3 MiB2024-Jul-06 18:58
Development of a pyroelectric neutron source_ J Geuther_ Y Danon_ ANS-Transactions-vol-93-2005.pdf43.8 KiB2011-Jul-09 00:52
Development of pyroelectric neutron source for calibration of neutrino and dark matter detectors_ Chepurnov et al_ 2017.pdf670.5 KiB2017-Oct-02 23:34
Domed Pyroelectric Neutron Source_ UC Berkeley talk 03_30_09 VTang V 11.pdf3.0 MiB2011-Feb-08 13:40
Effect of amino acid doping on the dielectric properties of triglycine sulfate TGS crystals_ june11joseph-19_ 2011.pdf267.5 KiB2011-Jul-13 16:40
Electron Acceleration for X-ray Production Using Paired Pyroelectric Crystals.pdf292.8 KiB2011-Feb-08 14:14
Electron and positive ion acceleration with pyroelectric crystals_ Geuther Danon_ accel_crystals_japhys_05.pdf108.0 KiB2011-Feb-08 13:34
Electron and Positive Ion Beams and X-rays Produced by Heated and Cooled Pyroelectric Crystals such as LiNbO3 and LiTaO3 i..>934.8 KiB2011-Jul-09 00:42
Electron Beam Generation and Injection from a Pyroelectric Crystal Array_ R B Yoder_ Z Kabilova_ B Saeks_ 2016.pdf301.3 KiB2017-Sep-02 10:47
Electron Beam Production by Pyroelectric Crystals_ Brownridge Shafroth_ arxiv0209079.pdf152.3 KiB2011-Feb-08 13:23
Electrostatics of pyroelectric accelerators_ Fullem Danon_ JApPhys2009.pdf173.2 KiB2011-Feb-08 13:52
Energy Distribution of Electron Emissions from l-Alanine Doped TGS Single Crystals_ K Biedrzycki_ 2001.pdf118.2 KiB2011-Jul-13 15:54
Enhanced neutron production from pyroelectric fusion_ J A Geuther_ Y Danon_ 2007_ ApplPhysLett_90_174103.pdf61.6 KiB2011-Jul-09 00:09
Enhanced Pyroelectric crystal D-D nuclear fusion using tungsten nanorods_ NanoToday.pdf1.2 MiB2011-Feb-08 14:02
Enhanced pyroelectric crystal DD nuclear fusion using tungsten nanorods_ Y Danon et al_ 2009.pdf1.2 MiB2011-Jul-09 01:29
Enhancement of Voltage Ion current and Neutron Yield in Pyroelectric Accelerators_ arxiv09040329.pdf95.0 KiB2011-Feb-08 13:28
Enhancement of Voltage Ion current and Neutron Yield in Pyroelectric Accelerators_ V Sandomirsky_ A V Butenko_ Y Schlesing..>95.0 KiB2011-Jul-09 01:15
Ferroelectric ceramics in a pyroelectric accelerator_ A V Shchagin_ V S Miroshnik_ V I Volkov_ A N Oleinik_ 2015.pdf923.8 KiB2017-Sep-02 11:00
Focused Ion Beam Production Using a Pyroelectric Crystal and a Resistive Glass Tube_ Fullem Kovanen Gillich Danon_ 2009_ I..>523.7 KiB2011-Feb-08 13:59
Generation of DD-Reactions in a Ferroelectric KD2PO4 Single Crystal During Transition Through Curie Point Tc= 220 K_ A G L..>146.2 KiB2011-Jul-09 01:17
Growth of TGS crystals using uniaxially solution-crystallization method of Sankaranarayanan-Ramasamy_ G Bhagavannarayana_ ..>217.7 KiB2011-Jul-13 22:40
Heat Capacity in Magnetic and Electric Fields Near the Ferroelectric Transition in Tri-Glycine Sulfate_ arxiv0701061.pdf166.6 KiB2011-Feb-08 13:29
Heat Capacity in Magnetic and Electric Fields Near the Ferroelectric Transition in TriGlycine Sulfate_ arxiv0701061.pdf166.6 KiB2011-Jul-09 03:25
Heavy Electrons_ Electron Droplets Generated by Photogalvanic and Pyroelectric Effects.pdf218.7 KiB2011-Feb-08 13:26
High-energy x-ray production with pyroelectric crystals.pdf122.2 KiB2011-Feb-08 14:14
HIgh Energy and High Intensity Electron and X-Ray Beams by Pyroelectric Effect_ Matthew Hockley_ Thesis 2012.pdf7.3 MiB2017-Sep-02 10:01
HighVacuumwithMechanicalPumps_ASummaryofWorkDonebyBruceKendallandOthers_BellJar1999.png24.8 KiB2011-Nov-08 04:21
Improvement of the Stability of X-ray Emission by Thermal Excitation of a Pyroelectric Single Crystal_ F Naruse et al_ 201..>737.1 KiB2017-Sep-02 11:24
Indicators of upcoming electric breakdown in a pyroelectric accelerator_ Pavel Karataev et al_ Appl Phys Express 2022.pdf753.5 KiB2024-Nov-23 16:50
Initial Results on Electron Beam Generation Using Pyroelectric Crystals_ R B Yoder_ 2010_ thpd046.pdf951.4 KiB2011-Jul-09 00:07
Intense pulsed neutron emission from a compact pyroelectric driven accelerator_ V Tang_ G Meyer_ S Palabella_ G Geuthelein..>277.7 KiB2011-Jul-09 01:00
Japanese_ Construction of a Beamline for the Study of Crystal-Based Accelerator Physics_ Yuichi Takabayashi_ WEPS096.pdf1.2 MiB2011-Jul-09 01:22
large pyroelectric effect in iron doped lithium niobate induced by a high-power short-pulse laser_ Kenji Kitamura_ Masakaz..>162.0 KiB2011-Jul-13 15:56
Low temperature growth of pyroelectric triglycine sulfate single crystal for passive infrared sensing_ S P Guar_ S_ S Kuma..>1.2 MiB2019-Sep-12 22:58
Method for Making TGS Single Crystal_ 1992_ US5104478.pdf710.7 KiB2011-Jul-13 16:04
Method of Manufacturing Triglycine Series Ferroelectric Crystals_ 1976_ US3953503.pdf161.2 KiB2011-Jul-13 15:21
Micro-Scale Electron Beam Generation Using Pyroelectric Crystals_ R B Yoder- Z Kabilova_ 2017.pdf263.3 KiB2017-Sep-02 10:28
Micro-Scale Electron Beam Generation Using Pyroelectric Crystals_ R B Yoder_ Z Kabilova_ 2018.pdf263.3 KiB2019-Feb-06 05:21
molecular_sieve_vacuum-trap_designs.png68.4 KiB2011-Nov-13 08:08
Neutron production from feedback controlled thermal cycling of a pyroelectric crystal_ V Tang_ G Meyer_ G Schmid_ C Spadac..>377.3 KiB2011-Jul-09 01:01
Neutron production with a pyroelectric double-crystal assembly without nano-top_ W Tornow_ W Corse_ S Crimi_ J Fox_ Nuclea..>3.1 MiB2011-Jul-13 15:51
Note_ Development of target changeable palm-top pyroelectric x-ray tube_ S Imashuku_ J Kawai_ 2012.pdf904.7 KiB2017-Sep-02 11:20
Nuclear Reactions Induced by a Pyroelectric Accelerator_ PhysRevLett_96_054803.pdf262.0 KiB2011-Feb-08 14:16
Observation of nuclear fusion driven by a pyroelectric crystal_ neutron detector response_ nature03575-s1.pdf545.6 KiB2011-Jul-09 03:19
Observation of nuclear fusion driven by a pyroelectric crystal_ phosphor screen image_ nature03575-s4.jpg65.0 KiB2011-Jul-09 03:18
Observation of nuclear fusion driven by a pyroelectric crystal_ phosphor screen movie_ nature03575-s3.mpg10.1 MiB2011-Jul-09 03:17
Observation of nuclear fusion driven by a pyroelectric crystal_ raw PMT trace of neutron hits_ nature03575-s2.mpg9.9 MiB2011-Jul-09 03:17
Origin of Pyroelectricity in LiNbO3_ Qing Peng_ R E Cohen_ arxiv10114335.pdf181.2 KiB2011-Jul-09 03:11
Palm-top size X-ray microanalyzer using a pyroelectric focused electron beam with 100-micrometer diameter_ J Kawai et al_ ..>688.2 KiB2017-Sep-02 11:19
Palmtop electron probe x-ray microanalyzer_ S Imashuku_ A Imanishi_ J Kawai_ 2012.pdf1.8 MiB2017-Sep-02 11:12
Piezoelectric Accelerator_ Ivashchuk et al_ 2018.pdf942.3 KiB2019-Feb-06 05:31
Piezoelectric Accelerator_ Supplementary info_ Ivashchuk et al_ 2018.doc2.7 MiB2019-Feb-06 05:36
Portable pyroelectric electron probe microanalyzer with a spot size of 40 micrometer_ S Imashuku et al_ 2017.pdf5.4 MiB2017-Sep-02 11:26
Possibility of using the piezoceramic PZT-19 in pyroelectric x-ray generators_ K A Vokhmyanina et al_ 2017.pdf252.0 KiB2017-Sep-02 10:52
Preliminary Results from Pyroelectric Crystal Accelerator_ T Anderson_ R Edwards_ K Bright_ A Kovanen_ Y Danon_ B Moretti_..>543.7 KiB2012-Mar-29 16:52
Pressure Dependence of Energetic 160 keV Focused Electron Beams Arising From Heated or Cooled LiNbO3 Pyroelectric Crystals..>148.5 KiB2011-Feb-08 13:31
Pressure_Units_Conversion_scale.jpg175.4 KiB2011-Oct-25 18:13
Production of 14 MeV Neutrons Using Pyroelectric Crystals_ Reconverting Solar Energy into Nuclear Fusion Energy_ Werner To..>481.5 KiB2014-Jul-18 09:00
Pyroelecticity_ Triglycine sulfate crystal growth and characterization_ Yu Preezant_ Y Preezant_.pdf1.0 MiB2011-May-03 03:42
Pyroelectric accelerator and X-ray source in pulsed mode_ O O Ivashchuk et al_ 2020.pdf620.3 KiB2020-Oct-09 03:24
Pyroelectric Crystal Accelerator In Deptartment Of Physics And Nuclear Engineering At West Point_ 2011.pdf402.2 KiB2012-Mar-29 16:50
Pyroelectric Crystal Generated Neutron Production.pdf54.7 KiB2011-Feb-08 13:55
Pyroelectric crystal neutron production in a portable prototype vacuum system.pdf446.2 KiB2011-Feb-08 13:55
Pyroelectric crystals for generation of neutrons_ A review_ Soroush Mohtashami_ Hossein Afarideh_ Khalil Moshkbar-Bakhshay..>2.6 MiB2024-May-27 14:47
Pyroelectric Electron Acceleration Improvements and Future Applications_ J Geuther_ Y Danon.pdf92.8 KiB2011-Jul-09 00:32
Pyroelectric Response in LiNbO3 and LiTaO3 to Temperature Changes_ Brownridge Raboy_ arxiv0107046.pdf264.1 KiB2011-Feb-08 13:25
pyroelectric_temperature_vs_acceleration.png41.0 KiB2011-Nov-08 17:44
pyroelectric_temperature_vs_acceleration_sm.png25.4 KiB2011-Dec-11 10:49
pyroeletric-crystal-stacking.png151.0 KiB2011-Nov-08 17:55
Recent Advances in Pyroelectric Radiation Generation_ J Geuther_ Y Danon_ K Fazel_ 2006.pdf162.8 KiB2011-Jul-09 00:53
S-R_TGS_NOTMINE.jpg85.9 KiB2011-Nov-08 02:41
Saturation of Spontaneous Polarization Charge in Pyroelectric Crystals of LiNbO3 LiTaO3 and CsNO3 at Low Temperature Above..>395.6 KiB2011-Feb-08 13:32
Sealing Materials Require a Careful Choice_ PHil Danielson_ VacLab44.pdf24.9 KiB2011-Nov-08 06:22
Search for fusion from energy focusing phenomena in ferroelectric crystals_ B Naranjo_ S Putterman_ 2002_ ucei.pdf1.1 MiB2011-Jul-09 00:46
Self-Focused Electron Beams Produced by Pyroelecric Crystals on Heating or Cooling in Dilute Gases_ Brownridge Shafroth_ a..>179.6 KiB2011-Feb-08 13:25
Semiconductor driver of pyroelectric accelerator of charged particles_ O O Ivashchuk et al_ 2019.pdf824.9 KiB2024-Nov-23 16:52
simplestparticleaccelerator.png46.8 KiB2011-Nov-07 11:23
Spectra of pyroelectric X-ray generator_ Nagaychenko VI_ Sanin VM_ Yegorov AM_ Shchagin AV_ 2003_ arxiv0309049.pdf202.5 KiB2011-Jul-09 00:45
Stability of electrons and X-rays generated in a pyroelectric accelerator_ Majid Ali_ 2023.pdf2.6 MiB2024-Nov-23 16:49
Studies on triglycine sulfate TGS crystals doped with sodium bromide NaBr grown by solution method_ shanthi_ 2009.pdf265.8 KiB2011-Jul-13 15:26
Substantial Increase in Acceleration Potential of Pyroelectric Crystals_ Tornow_ JAP_ 2010.pdf1.1 MiB2011-Jul-13 15:53
TemperatureController_JLD612_Manual.pdf244.0 KiB2011-Oct-25 18:40
TGS_impure.jpg50.8 KiB2011-Dec-11 08:01
TGS_impure_lg.jpg764.8 KiB2011-Dec-11 08:48
TGS_temp-vs-birefringence_and_temp-vs-phaseshiftofordinaryandextraordinarybeams.png118.5 KiB2011-Nov-25 07:02
The edge electric field of a pyroelectric and its applications_ V Sandomirsky_ Y Schlesinger_ R Levin_ 2006.pdf352.6 KiB2011-Jul-09 01:28
The Edge Electric Field of a Pyroelectric and its Applications_ V Sandomirsky_ Y Schlesinger_ R Levin_ arxiv0607583.pdf352.6 KiB2020-Jun-01 16:22
The impact of surface plasma on the total emission charge from PZST cathode induced by nanosecond electric pulse_ Y Liu_ X..>1.0 MiB2019-Oct-28 01:10
Therapeutic Dose from a Pyroelectric Electron Accelerator.pdf532.0 KiB2011-Feb-08 13:51
Tip Length Optimization for a Pyroelectric Crystal Neutron Source_ D Gillich_ Y Danon_ A Kovanen_ B Herman_ W Labarre_ ANS..>157.6 KiB2011-Jul-09 00:57
Using Static Charge on Pyroelectric Crystals to Produce Self Focusing Electron and Ion Beams and Transport Through Tubes_ ..>209.5 KiB2011-Feb-08 13:22
X-ray fluoresced high-Z (up to Z = 82) K-x-rays produced by LiNbO3 and LiTaO3 pyroelectric crystal electron accelerators_ ..>59.1 KiB2011-Feb-08 13:31
X-Ray Production Using Stacked Pyroelectric Crystals_ Kovanen Danon Gillich_ ANS2008.pdf101.4 KiB2011-Feb-08 14:06

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