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Index of /library/Space/Radio Astronomy/

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Parent directory--
essential-radio-astronomy/-2017-Dec-22 16:51
VSRT/-2013-Feb-21 21:53
A 21cm Map of the northern sky_ Marcus Leech_ ccera-memo-0011_ 2019.pdf446.5 KiB2019-Oct-29 03:53
A Brief History of the Indian River Observatory Radio Interferometer_ Frank Roy_ Ken Tapping_ 1990.pdf687.4 KiB2018-Aug-22 04:10
A Budget-Conscious Radio Telescope for 21cm_ Marcus Leech_ 2013.doc117.5 KiB2013-May-21 01:01
A Cheap, simple FX correlator_ Marcus Leech_ ccera-memo-0008_ CCERA 2018.pdf323.9 KiB2018-Apr-11 03:15
AERO & VISTA_ Demonstrating HF Radio Interferometry with Vector Sensors_ F D Lind_ P J Erickson_ M Hecht_ M Knapp_ G Crew_..>522.3 KiB2019-Oct-14 03:37
All-Sky Interferometry with Spherical Harmonic Transit Telescopes_ arxiv13020327.pdf2.7 MiB2017-Feb-23 11:46
All-Sky Interferometry with Spherical Harmonic Transit Telescopes_ J R Shaw_ K Sigurdson_ U-L Pen_ A Stebbins_ M Sitwell_ ..>1.7 MiB2017-Feb-27 15:23
All Transients All The Time_ Real-Time Radio Transient Detection with Interferometric Closure Quantities_ arxiv11120308v2.pdf1.1 MiB2015-Feb-14 08:24
Amateur Radio Astronomy_ John Fielding_ 2006.pdf101.7 MiB2011-Jul-04 20:26
A method for detecting active solar regions at 12 Ghz_ Alan E E Rogers_ VSRT_ 2007.pdf1.8 MiB2013-Feb-21 19:11
A Micheleson-Type Radio Interferometer for University Education_ arxiv160106161v1.pdf5.2 MiB2016-Jan-26 09:19
A michelson-type radio interferometer for university education_ arxiv160106161.pdf5.2 MiB2017-Nov-01 05:36
An absorption profile centered at 78 megahertz in the sky-averaged spectrum_ J D Bowman_ A E E Rogers_ R A Monsalve_ T J M..>4.3 MiB2018-Mar-06 23:11
Antenna Calibration Using the 10.7cm Solar Flux_ Ken Tapping.pdf4.7 MiB2014-Oct-29 00:27
Antenna Measurement Using Sun Noise_ Paul Wade N1BWT_ 1998.pdf113.2 KiB2020-Jan-07 19:48
A Real-Time All-Sky High Time Resolution Direct Imager for the Long Wavelength Array_ arxiv1904.11422.pdf1.4 MiB2019-Apr-28 04:24
Astronomical Polarimetry_ Jaap Tinbergen_ 2005.pdf6.3 MiB2011-Jul-04 20:39
Astrophysics_ Part C_ Radio Observations_ M L Meeks_ 1976.djvu2.7 MiB2011-Jul-04 20:27
Avenger PLL321S-2_ Ku 10 Ghz LNBF_ DMS International_ 2011.pdf339.9 KiB2013-Feb-24 23:49
Basics of Radio Astronomy for the Goldstone-Apple Valley Radio Telescope.pdf1.1 MiB2011-Jul-23 09:23
Building your very first Radio Telescope_ Apostolos Spanakis-Misirlis_ 2020.pdf692.8 KiB2020-May-13 00:20
Calculating the Gain of Parabolic Antenna_ C Monstein_ 2002.pdf66.0 KiB2013-Feb-19 10:16
Catalog of dynamic electromagnetic spectra observed with Callisto_ Christian Monstein_ 2011.pdf2.1 MiB2013-Feb-12 08:51
Correlated oscillations due to similar multi-path effects seen in two widely separated radio telescopes_ arxiv14051525.pdf2.2 MiB2014-May-08 22:17
Design Chart for Geodesic Parabola Antenna_ Yoshiyuki Takeyasu JA6XKQ_ 2005.pdf124 B2023-Mar-01 00:42
Design Chart for Geodesic Parabola Antenna_ Yoshiyuki Takeyasu JA6XKQ_ 2024.pdf625.8 KiB2024-Jul-01 13:53
Detectors for the Cosmic Microwave Background_ at the Frontier of Cosmology and in the Classroom_ John Kovac_ 2012.pdf5.0 MiB2016-Jan-21 23:39
Development of a Low Cost Spectrometer for Small Radio Telescope SRT, Very Small Radio Telescope VSRT, and Ozone Spectrome..>2.3 MiB2013-Sep-16 19:43
Development of a solar imaging array of Very Small Radio Telescopes_ VSRT Interferometer_ Ted Tsiligaridis_ 2007.pdf1.8 MiB2013-Feb-25 03:41
Development of Coherent Detector Technologies for Sub-Millimetre Wave Astronomy Observations-Springer International Publis..>14.9 MiB2019-Oct-17 06:29
Diseqc Bus Functional Specification_ EUTELSAT_ 1998.pdf221.7 KiB2014-Sep-17 18:33
DiSEqC for Technicians_ Klaus Muller.pdf614.2 KiB2013-Jun-18 03:24
Diseqc Positioner Application Note_ EUTELSAT_ 1998.pdf256.2 KiB2014-Sep-17 18:34
Dynamics and control of a novel radio telescope antenna_ ballon lofted feed_ Meyer Nahon_ AIAAMST 1999.pdf467.6 KiB2020-Aug-26 22:34
Efficiency and sensitivity definitions for reflector antennas in radio-astronomy_ Wim van Cappellen_ 2007.pdf1.1 MiB2013-Apr-10 02:11
Everyday Radio Telescope_ arxiv160102982v1.pdf1.3 MiB2016-Jan-13 02:59
Experiments with a Software Defined Radio Telescope_ David Morgan_ 2011.pdf1.9 MiB2013-Feb-12 08:20
Exploring some Limitations in Amateur Radio Astronomy_ David Morgan_ 2014.pdf5.0 MiB2014-Dec-19 17:15
Extraterrestrial-Radio-Sources_Brightnesss-TemperatureK_vs_Frequency-GHz.png81.7 KiB2013-Feb-20 11:35
Eyes on the Sky_ A Refracting Concentrator Approach to the SKA_ Titanium Dioxide and Foam_ R Beresford_ A Chippendale_ D F..>4.8 MiB2018-Jul-23 20:07
Fine Structure of Solar Radio Bursts_ Gennady P Chernov_ 2011.pdf12.6 MiB2011-Jul-11 05:38
FluxDensity_vs_Frequency_solar-radio-events.png319.2 KiB2012-Dec-23 22:21
FluxDensity_vs_Frequency_solar-radio-events_10MHz-1THz.png130.3 KiB2018-Mar-08 23:39
Forward-Scatter Meteor Detection using Gnu Radio + RTL-SDR devices_ Marcus Leech_ 2012.pdf454.2 KiB2012-Sep-11 03:33
Four Pillars of Radio Astronomy_ Mills, Christiansen, Wild, Bracewel_ R H Frater_ W M Goss_ H W Wendt_2017.pdf13.9 MiB2019-Jan-02 21:29
FRB 121102 Bursts Show Complex Time-Frequency Structure_ J W T Hessels et al_ AstroLet 2019.pdf3.0 MiB2019-Jun-26 13:11
Galactic-Noise_vs_Atmospheric-Window_vs_Quantum-Noise.png55.1 KiB2013-Feb-21 12:01
Gyrosynchrotron Emission from Anisotropic Electron Distributions_ G D Fleishman_ V F Melnikov_ 2002.pdf956.2 KiB2013-Mar-06 01:07
height-above-solar-photosphere_vs_radio-frequency-1-to-10000GHz.png122.9 KiB2013-Feb-27 15:23
height-above-solar-photosphere_vs_radio-frequency_with_emission-mechanisms.png198.5 KiB2013-Feb-25 04:03
HERO_ A space-based low frequency interferometric observatory for heliophysics enabled by novel vector sensor technology_ ..>520.9 KiB2019-Oct-14 03:47
High Frequency HF Radio Astronomy from a Small Satellite_ F C Robey_ M Knapp_ A J Fenn_ M Silver_ K Johnson_ F J Lind_ R V..>1.4 MiB2020-Aug-15 18:35
High Spectral Resolution Observation of Decimetric Radio Spikes Emitted by Solar Flares_ First Results of the Phoenix-3 Sp..>469.2 KiB2013-May-09 01:58
How to determine antenna temperature in solar radio astronomy_ C Monstein_ 2002.pdf81.8 KiB2013-Feb-19 09:12
Hydrogen Line Receiver using FunCube or RTL2832U USB Dongles_ Peter East_ 2013.pdf301.5 KiB2014-Jul-10 01:39
Image Formation by Self-Calibration in Radio Astronomy_ Pearson T J_ Readhead A C S_ 1984.pdf3.0 MiB2019-Jan-14 22:53
Imaging with Amplitude and Intensity Interferometers_ Frank S Rotondo_ ADA426395_ 2004.pdf305.4 KiB2017-Sep-14 14:52
Important Celestial Radio Sources_ Whitham D Reeve.pdf2.5 MiB2013-Feb-12 08:03
intensity-interferometry.pdf2.1 MiB2013-Jun-16 23:36
Interferometry and Synthesis in Radio Astronomy_ 3rd Ed_ A Thompson et al_ 2017.pdf18.9 MiB2017-Oct-20 17:49
Interferometry and Synthesis in Radio Astronomy_ A Richard Thompson_ James M Moran_ George W Jr Swenson_ 2001.djvu7.9 MiB2011-Jul-04 20:20
Interferometry and Synthesis in Radio Astronomy_ A Thompson et al_ 2004.pdf37.0 MiB2013-Jun-21 22:33
Introduction to Solar Radio Astronomy and Radio Physics_ A Kruger_ 1979.pdf13.2 MiB2019-Jan-29 06:38
Low Cost Hydrogen Line Radio Telescope using the RTL SDR - Phase 2_ Y1PWE_ PW East 2014.pdf324.0 KiB2014-Jul-17 22:50
Low frequency 50 MHz wide bandwith interferometry_ David L N5OIQ_ 2014.pdf1.3 MiB2014-Dec-07 22:56
Low Frequency Observations of the Moon with the Murchison Widefield Array_ arxiv12111433.pdf756.2 KiB2018-Mar-08 06:33
Low Frequency Radio Astronomy and the LOFAR Observatory_ Lectures from the Third LOFAR Data Processing School_ 2018.pdf11.6 MiB2018-Dec-14 15:10
LSS NenuFAR_ The LOFAR Super Station Project in Nancay_ P Zarka_ J N Girard_ M Tagger- L Denis_ LSS Team_ SF2A 2012.pdf4.2 MiB2014-Nov-21 11:32
Microwave and Hard X-ray Observations of the 2017 September 10 Solar Limb Flare_ D E Gary_ Bin Chen_ B R Dennis_ G D Fleis..>1.8 MiB2018-Aug-13 06:19
Observational Results with a Ku-band Interferometer_ Evgeny Ulanov_ Horst Thum_ Noah Schneiders.pdf749.0 KiB2015-Apr-11 18:26
Observation of electron conics by Juno_ implications for radio generation and acceleration processes_ P Louarn et al_ GRL ..>653.2 KiB2018-Jul-31 04:09
Phases in Interferometry_ John D Monnier_ 2006.pdf4.2 MiB2013-Jun-22 01:24
Phase Stability Measurements versus Temperature for Several Coaxial Cable Types_ Roger D Norrod_ NRAO 2003.pdf36.2 KiB2017-Apr-26 17:17
PHOENIX-2_ A New Broadband Spectrometer for Decimetric and Microwave Radio Bursts_ Peter Messmer_ Arnold O Benz_ Christian..>586.3 KiB2013-Mar-15 11:13
Planck 2015 Results_ XXV_ Diffuse low-frequency Galactic foregrounds_ arixv150606660.pdf22.9 MiB2018-Sep-27 06:43
Principles of interferometry_ Neal Jackson_ 2007.pdf4.7 MiB2019-Jan-06 18:44
Radio Astronomy Experiments at 4 GHz_ Ken Tapping.pdf1.2 MiB2013-Feb-15 05:14
Radio Astronomy_ Roger C Jennison_ 1966.pdf3.6 MiB2013-Apr-25 18:15
RadioAstron_ A Telescope with a Size of 300 000 km_ Lots of dudes_ 2013.pdf1.7 MiB2013-Sep-15 16:26
RadioAstron_ A Telescope With A Size Of 300000 KM_ Main Parameters and First Observational Results_ arxiv13035013v1.pdf6.6 MiB2013-Mar-23 10:57
Radio Continuum_ Cosmic Rays and Magnetic Fields_ Rainer Beck_ MPIfR_ 2010.pdf9.1 MiB2011-Sep-14 04:38
Radio detection of cosmic ray air showers in the digital era_ arxiv160107426.pdf22.1 MiB2016-Jan-29 10:33
Radio Exploration of the Planetary System_ Alex D Smith_ Thomas D Carr_ 1964.pdf3.7 MiB2013-Apr-28 08:22
Radio Exploration of the Sun_ Alex G Smith_ 1967.pdf4.0 MiB2013-Apr-25 18:13
Radiometry in Modern Scientific Experiments_ A M Pravilov_ 2011.pdf2.1 MiB2011-Nov-03 06:13
Radio Recombination Lines_ Their Physics and Astronomical Applications_ M A Gordon_ R L Sorochenko_ 2009.pdf3.9 MiB2011-Jul-04 20:16
radio sources.jpg57.7 KiB2013-May-27 06:29
Radio Telescope Reflectors_ Historical Development of Design and Construction_ Jacob W M Baars_ Hans J Karcher_ 2018.pdf15.3 MiB2019-Nov-11 05:09
Raw DiSEqC 1.2 commands_ BGonaSTICK.txt7.8 KiB2013-Jun-16 08:41
Real-time imaging of density ducts between the plasmasphere and ionosphere_ Loi et al_ 2015.pdf854.9 KiB2018-Aug-19 19:50
RFI Survey at the Rapid Prototype Array_ ATA memo 26_ G R Harp_ R F Ackermann_ 2001.pdf274.8 KiB2013-Jul-17 12:49
RTLSDR-based, Software Defined Radio Alternative to Switched Radiometers for Continuum Radio Astronomy_ Ken Tapping_ Marcu..>583.5 KiB2014-Oct-24 02:23
SDR equivalents to analog functions in a small-scale radio telescope_ Marcus Leech.pdf101.4 KiB2012-Apr-25 23:51
Sign ambiguity in the closure phase_ VSRT Interferometer_ Alan E E Rogers_ 2006.pdf38.1 KiB2013-Feb-21 19:18
Simple radio telescope for listening to Sun.pdf4.0 MiB2015-Aug-18 02:18
Simple set-up to observe fringes on the Sun and measure the solar diameter_ VSRT Interferometer_ Alan E E Rogers_ P A Shut..>204.6 KiB2013-Feb-21 19:48
Simulations of a Ratiometric Switching Radiometer for Radio Astronomy_ Marcus Leech_ VE3MDL.doc32.0 KiB2012-Sep-03 05:45
SkyNoise-Freq-vs-Temp.png135.5 KiB2014-Dec-23 02:11
solar-disk_relative-brightness_vs_solar-radii.png41.9 KiB2013-Feb-17 02:05
solar-radio-emission_mechanism-vs-wavelength.png91.2 KiB2016-Dec-12 06:57
Solar and Space Weather Radiophysics_ Current Status and Future Developments_ Dale E Gary_ Christoph U Keller_ 2004.pdf10.2 MiB2011-Oct-12 08:35
Solar Brightness Temperature and Corresponding Antenna Noise Temperature at Microwave Frequencies_ Christian Ho_ Stephen S..>953.0 KiB2013-Feb-19 09:04
Solar radioastronomy with the LOFAR radio telescope_ S M White_ N E Kassim_ W C Erickson.pdf134.6 KiB2012-Jun-07 18:31
Solar Radio Emission_ W R Barron_ W E Cliver_ J P Cronin_ D A Guidice_ Chptr11.pdf1.2 MiB2015-Aug-18 01:31
Spectrometers and Polyphase Filterbanks in Radio Astronomy_ arxiv1607.03579.pdf746.9 KiB2020-Oct-26 05:38
SUP2400_DiSEqC.xls183.5 KiB2017-Dec-26 14:28
The 10.7 cm solar radio flux_ F107_ K F Tapping_ 2006.pdf840.3 KiB2018-Oct-05 15:55
The Breakthrough Listen Search for Intelligent Life_ A Wideband Data Recorder System for the Robert C Byrd Green Bank Tele..>6.5 MiB2017-Jul-28 19:11
The Cold Horn method for NF measurements, notes about 10 GHz applications_ UA3AVR.pdf1.0 MiB2019-Jan-14 17:02
The Development of Michelson and Intensity Long Baseline Interferometry_ R Hanbury Brown.pdf2.1 MiB2014-May-01 10:35
The Early Years of Radio Astronomy_ Reflections Fifty Years after Janskys Discovery_ W T Sullivan_ 2005.pdf63.4 MiB2011-Jul-04 20:23
The Fast Fourier Transform Telescope_ M Tegmark_ M Zaldarriaga_ arxiv08054414v2.pdf681.0 KiB2013-Nov-27 03:16
The IDEA experiment_ Amateurs looking for D1_ Marcus Leech_ ccera-memo-0009_ 2018.pdf130.9 KiB2018-Jun-10 21:18
The Invisible Universe_ The Story of Radio Astronomy_ Gerrit Verschuur_ 2006.pdf3.3 MiB2011-Jul-04 20:22
The low-frequency source of Saturns kilometric radiation_ Lamy et al_ Science 2018.pdf2.5 MiB2018-Oct-05 03:39
The Paraboloidal Reflector Antenna in Radio Astronomy and Communication_ Theory and Practice_ Jacob W M Baars_ 2007.pdf6.3 MiB2011-Jul-04 20:15
The Radio Continuum Structure of Centarus A at 1.4 GHz_ arxiv11040077v2.pdf4.2 MiB2013-Oct-21 03:23
The Radio Sky and How to Observe It_ Jeff Lashley_ 2010.pdf10.6 MiB2011-Jul-04 20:24
Thermal Design and Thermal Behaviour of Radio Telescopes and their Enclosures_ Albert Greve_ Michael Bremer_ 2010.pdf37.7 MiB2012-Jul-02 15:07
The SETI Episode in the 1967 Discovery of Pulsars_ arxiv13020641v1.pdf108.1 KiB2013-Feb-15 02:16
The single baseline LNBF interferometer_ VSRT Interferometer_ Alan E E Rogers_ 2008.pdf60.4 KiB2013-Feb-21 20:21
The Square Kilometre Array_ An Engineering Perspective_ Peter J Hall_ 2005.pdf6.4 MiB2011-Jul-04 20:42
Time-scale-of-solar-effects-at-1AU.png49.8 KiB2013-Mar-04 00:29
Time_vs_Frequency_vs_Height_solar-radio-events.png97.7 KiB2011-Oct-27 12:14
Tools of Radio Astronomy_ 5th Ed_ Thomas L Wilson_ Kristen Rohlfs_ Susanne Huttemeister_ 2008.pdf3.7 MiB2011-Jul-04 20:19
To See the Unseen_ A History of Planetary Radar Astronomy_ Andrew J Butrica_ 1996.pdf32.2 MiB2011-Jul-04 20:35
TypeIV_80Mhz_radioevent.png81.2 KiB2011-Oct-27 12:13
Undergraduate Laboratory Experiments in Ku-Band Radio Astronomy_ A Very Small Radio Telescope Interferometer_ Tamke-Allan ..>1.5 MiB2013-Jun-13 11:46
Using kurtosis to identify RFI in complex visibility data.pdf857.4 KiB2015-Sep-11 16:43
Vector Antenna and Maximum Likelihood Imaging for Radio Astronomy_ M Knapp_ F Robey_ R Volz_ F Lind_ A Fenn_ A Morris_ M S..>5.9 MiB2019-Oct-14 04:05
Very Small Radio Telescope VSRT Introduction_ Sat LNB Interferometer_ Martina B Arndt_ 2009.pdf774.6 KiB2013-Feb-20 21:33
White Rabbit_ a PTP Application for Robust Sub-nanosecond Synchronization_ Maciej Lipiski_ Tomasz Wlostowski_ Javier Serra..>576.7 KiB2021-Apr-12 14:49

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