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131 and 304 Angstrom Emission Variability Increases Hours Prior to Solar Flare Onset_ Kniezewski et al_ ApJL 2024.pdf1.7 MiB2025-Jan-30 04:42
A basal contribution from p-modes to the Alfvenic wave flux in the Suns corona_ R J Morton_ M J Weberg_ J A McLaughlin_ na..>2.3 MiB2019-Jan-29 19:14
A bright impulsive solar burst detected at 30 THz_ arxiv13035894v1.pdf3.7 MiB2013-Mar-29 14:40
Acceleration_ magnetic fluctuations and cross-field transport of energetic electrons in a solar flare loop_ EP Kontar_ IG ..>234.1 KiB2011-Aug-16 04:36
A Compact Full-dks Solar Magnetograph based on miniaturization of GONG instrument_ arxiv2207.07728.pdf1.3 MiB2022-Jul-19 23:09
A comprehensive three-dimensional radiative magnetohydrodynamic simulation of a solar flare_ Cheung_ 2018.pdf2.4 MiB2019-Jan-19 22:00
A decade of solar Type III radio bursts observed by the Nancay Radioheliograph 1998-2008_ arxiv12113474.pdf1.3 MiB2013-Feb-27 06:35
Allen Telescope Array Multi-frequency Observations of the Sun_ P Saint-Hilaire_ GJ Hurford_ G Keating_ GC Bower_ C Gutierr..>979.4 KiB2011-Dec-30 05:45
A Method for Data-Driven Simulations of Evolving Solar Active Regions_ arxiv12082954v1.pdf636.0 KiB2013-Jan-14 15:43
An analysis of solar radio burst events on December 1, 2004_ Jing Huang_ Yihua Yan_ Yuying Liu_ 2007.pdf355.2 KiB2013-Mar-06 16:43
An Intriguing Solar Microflare Observed with RHESSI_ Hinode and TRACE_ I G Hannah_ S Krucker_ H S Hudson_ S Christe_ R P L..>145.4 KiB2011-Aug-16 04:29
An Observational Overview of Solar Flares_ L Fletcher et al_ 2012.pdf4.4 MiB2012-Nov-30 03:19
An Observational Overview of Solar Flares_ L Fletcher_ B R Dennis_ H S Hudson_ S Krucker_ K Phillips_ A Veronig_ M Battagl..>3.1 MiB2011-Sep-30 07:33
Anti-parallel EUV flows observed along active region filament threads with HI-C_ arxiv13065194v1.pdf574.0 KiB2013-Jul-03 04:04
A Physical Explanation on Solar Microwave Zebra Pattern with the Current-carrying Plasma Loop Model_ Baolin Tan_ arxiv0911..>310.3 KiB2013-Mar-16 00:11
A Poynting-Robertson-like drag at the Sun’s surface_ arxiv161200873v1.pdf4.0 MiB2017-Feb-05 12:20
Apparent Solar Tornado-Like Prominences_ arxiv13072303v1.pdf12.1 MiB2013-Jul-18 11:19
A small and round heliosphere suggested by magnetohydrodynamic modelling of pick-up ions_ Merav Opher_ Abraham Loeb_ James..>3.6 MiB2020-Mar-23 19:03
A solar tornado observed by AIA SDO_ Rotational flow and evolution of magnetic helicity in a prominence and cavity_ arxiv1..>638.5 KiB2013-Mar-25 08:30
Assessing the Behavior of Modern Solar Magnetographs and Spectropolarimeters_ arxiv12054845.pdf266.1 KiB2012-May-24 23:54
A Standard Law for the Equatorward Drift of the Sunspot Zones_ D H Hathaway_ 2011.pdf732.4 KiB2011-Dec-05 13:24
A Study of Fast Flareless Coronal Mass Ejections_ arxiv13070166v1.pdf2.5 MiB2013-Jul-02 03:31
Asymmetric Solar Polar Field Reversals_ Leif Svalgaard_ ApJ88587_ 2012.pdf3.0 MiB2012-Nov-13 14:14
Asymmetric Solar Polar Field Reversals_ Leif Svalgaard_ Yohsuke Kamide_ 2012.pdf5.2 MiB2012-Nov-13 13:46
A Three-dimensional Map of the Heliosphere from IBEX_ Reisenfeld et al_ ApJS 2021.pdf3.7 MiB2021-Jun-16 16:33
A universal model for solar eruptions_ P F Wyper_ S K Antiochos_ C R DeVore_ Nature 2017.pdf4.0 MiB2017-Jun-08 03:17
Basics of the solar wind_ Nicole Meyer-Vernet_ 2007.pdf6.2 MiB2014-Jul-08 03:50
Beyond sunspots_ studies using the McIntosh Archive of global solar magnetic field patterns_ arxiv180808215.pdf9.3 MiB2018-Aug-27 17:16
Bright 30 THz Impulsive Solar Bursts_ arxiv150506177v1.pdf273.5 KiB2015-Jun-05 13:14
Broadband microwave burst produced by electron beams_ arxiv07122584.pdf450.2 KiB2013-Apr-05 16:57
Build a Sun Funnel for Group Viewing of Sunspots_ R T Fienberg_ C Bueter_ L A Mayo_ 2011.pdf2.1 MiB2012-Mar-18 02:27
Calibrating 100 Years of Polar Faculae Measurements_ Implications for the Evolution of the Heliospheric Magnetic Field_ A ..>6.0 MiB2013-Feb-11 13:12
Calibration of the Total Solar Irradiance Data Record_ arxiv181209301.pdf271.6 KiB2018-Dec-24 03:26
Can Self-Replicating Species Flourish in the Interior of a Star_ Luis A Anchordoqui_ Eugene M Chudnovsky_ LHEP 2020.pdf157.9 KiB2023-Jan-04 21:40
Can we Determine Electric Fields and Poynting Fluxes from Vector Magnetograms and Doppler Measurements_ arxiv11014086v2.pdf708.2 KiB2013-Jan-14 14:22
Chirality and Magnetic Configurations of Solar Filaments_ arxiv161201054v1.pdf404.2 KiB2017-Jan-19 04:12
Chromospheric Alfvenic Waves Strong Enough to Power the Solar Wind_ B De Pontieu et al_ 2007.pdf425.1 KiB2013-Mar-26 09:09
Chromospheric Sunspot Oscillations in Hα and Ca II 8542 Å_ R A Maurya_ J Chae_ H Park_ H Yang_ D Song_ K Cho_ Solar Phys..>1.4 MiB2013-Apr-26 09:11
Comparison of Interstellar Boundary Explorer Observations with 3-D Global Heliospheric Models_ Schwadron et al_ 2009.pdf392.9 KiB2011-Aug-28 15:51
Constraining the hard X-ray properties of the quiet Sun with new RHESSI observations_ I G Hannah_ H S Hudson_ G J Hurford_..>201.7 KiB2011-Aug-16 04:15
Convection and Substorms_ Paradigms of Magnetospheric Phenomenology_ Charles F Kennel_ 1996.pdf27.5 MiB2011-Aug-12 21:15
Convective motions and net circular polarization in sunspot penumbrae_ J M Borrero_ S K Solanki_ TheAstrophysicalJournal_ ..>1.0 MiB2011-Oct-27 13:34
Coronal Holes and Open Magnetic Flux over Cycles 23 and 24_ arxiv161207595.pdf4.7 MiB2016-Dec-27 09:03
Coronal Magnetic Field Measurement from EUV Images made by the Solar Dynamics Observatory_ Nat Gopalswamy_ Nariaki Nitta_ ..>1000.6 KiB2011-Sep-17 04:19
Coronal Magnetometry_ A Feasibility Study_ Judge et al_ 2001.pdf1.6 MiB2012-Jun-02 22:21
Coronal Magnetometry_ ncar_tech_note_ 2001.pdf1.6 MiB2011-Oct-31 06:41
Coronal Mass Ejections_ An Introduction_ Timothy Howard_ 2011.pdf5.9 MiB2011-Aug-12 21:20
Coronal Photopolarimetry with the LASCO-C3 Coronagraph over 24 Years 1996-2019_ Application to the K F Separation and to t..>4.5 MiB2020-Sep-13 15:35
Coronal Solar Magnetism Observatory_ Prospectus for the Design, Construction, and Operation_ 2008.pdf2.3 MiB2012-Jun-02 22:18
Coupling from the Photosphere to the Chromosphere and the Corona_ S Wedemeyer-Bohm_ A Lagg_ A Nordlund_ 2008.pdf4.5 MiB2013-Mar-23 13:54
Critical Science Plan for the Daniel K Inouye Solar Telescope DKIST_ M P Rast et al_ Solar Phys 2021.pdf6.3 MiB2021-Apr-20 05:07
Crowdsourced Doppler measurements of time standard stations demonstrating ionospheric variability_ Kristina Collins et al_..>5.8 MiB2023-Jul-12 20:48
Cyclic Reversal of Magnetic Cloud Poloidal Field_ Y Li_ J G Luhmann_ B J Lynch_ E K J Kilpua_ 2011.pdf1005.4 KiB2011-Dec-05 13:40
Decades-Long Changes of the Interstellar Wind Through Our Solar_ P C Frisch et al_ Science 2013.pdf222.4 KiB2013-Sep-07 01:02
Decades-Long Changes of the Interstellar Wind Through Our Solar_ Supplementary_ P C Frisch et al_ Science 2013.pdf702.5 KiB2013-Sep-06 17:18
Decimetric Spike Bursts Versus Microwave Contiuum_ G D Fleishman_ D E Gary_ G M Nita_ 2003.pdf447.2 KiB2013-Mar-05 05:33
Decreasing Sunspot Magnetic Fields Explain Unique 10.7 cm Radio Flux_ W Livingston_ M J Penn_ L Svalgaard_ APJL 2012.pdf447.6 KiB2013-Mar-27 17:45
Deduction of Energy Spectra of Non Thermal Electrons in Flares from the Observed Dynamic Spectra of Hard X-Ray Bursts_ Joh..>190.6 KiB2011-Sep-17 00:43
Deflection of Coronal Mass Ejection in the Interplanetary Medium_ Yuming Wang_ Chenglong Shen_ S Wang_ Pinzhong Ye_ 2004.pdf249.3 KiB2013-Jan-15 11:39
Design and Ground Calibration of the Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager Instrument on the Solar Dynamics Observatory_ 2011.pdf1.5 MiB2011-Dec-07 04:49
Detection of Emerging Sunspot Regions in the Solar Interior_ Stathis Ilonidis_ Junwei Zhao_ Alexander Kosovichev_ Science_..>506.2 KiB2011-Aug-18 22:34
Detection of Equatorward Meridional Flow and Evidence of Double-Cell Meridional Circulation inside the Sun_ arxiv13078422.pdf356.0 KiB2013-Sep-06 04:07
Detection of Equatorward Meridional Flow and Evidence of Double-Cell Meridional Circulation Inside the Sun_ Junwei Zhao_ R..>512.0 KiB2013-Sep-03 06:56
Detection Of Equatorward Meridional Flow And Evidence Of Double-Cell Meridional Circulation Inside The Sun_ J Zhao_ R S Bo..>512.0 KiB2015-Jul-01 16:40
Detection of the Temporal Variation of the Suns Cosmic Ray Shadow with the IceCube Detector_arxiv1811.02015.pdf5.7 MiB2023-Aug-11 18:41
Direct Imaging by SDO AIA of Quasi-periodic Fast Propagating Waves of 2000 kms in the Low Solar Corona_ arxiv11063150.pdf1.5 MiB2011-Jun-22 06:41
Direct Observations of Interstellar H, He, and O by the Interstellar Boundary Explorer_ Moebius et al_ 2009.pdf344.2 KiB2011-Aug-28 11:22
Distribution Functions of Sizes and Fluxes Determined from Supra-arcade Downflows_ D E McKenzie_ S L Savage_ ApJ_ 2011.pdf133.0 KiB2011-Aug-14 10:03
Disturbances in the US electric grid associated with geomagnetic activity_ arxiv13045489v1.pdf138.9 KiB2013-Apr-23 13:32
Dynamics of flare processes and variety of the fine structure of solar radio emission over a wide frequency range of 30 - ..>3.5 MiB2014-Sep-03 13:05
Dynamo Models of the Solar Cycle_ Paul Charbonneau_ lrsp 2005.pdf5.0 MiB2015-Jul-03 18:55
Electric Fields and Poynting Fluxes from Vector Magnetograms and Doppler Shifts_ George Fisher_ Brian Welsch_ Bill Abbet_ ..>2.0 MiB2013-Jan-14 14:24
Energy Conversion and Particle Acceleration in the Solar Corona_ Ludwig Klein_ 2003.djvu35.1 KiB2011-Jul-11 05:32
Energy release from the magnetic reconnection diffusion region_ new cluster reults_ Baolin Tan.pdf4.6 MiB2013-Mar-08 02:17
Energy Spectra, Composition, and Other Properties of Ground-Level Events During Solar Cycle 23_ R A Mewaldt et al_ 2012.pdf2.2 MiB2012-Nov-30 02:56
Enhanced sources of acoustic power surrounding AR 11429_ arxiv13071329.pdf5.0 MiB2015-Jul-09 20:24
Estimates of Densities and Filling Factors from a Cooling Time Analysis of Solar Microflares Observed with RHESSI_ R N Bay..>627.8 KiB2011-Aug-15 20:15
Estimating the frequency of extremely energetic solar events, based on solar, stellar, lunar, and terrestrial records_ arx..>395.5 KiB2012-Dec-16 13:17
Evidence for a New Component of High-Energy Solar Gamma-Ray Production_ arxiv180305436.pdf1.1 MiB2019-May-05 20:33
Evidence for a New Component of High-Energy Solar Gamma-Ray Production_ T Linden_ B Zhou_ J F Beacom_ A H G Peter_ K C Y N..>460.0 KiB2018-Oct-01 19:41
Evolution of active and polar photospheric magnetic fields during the rise of Cycle 24 compared to previous cycles_ arxiv1..>607.7 KiB2013-Jan-27 23:11
Evolution of Magnetic Field and Energy in a Major Eruptive Active Region Based on SDO HMI Observation_ Xudong Sun_ J Todd ..>1.2 MiB2012-Jan-23 10:12
Experimental Observation of Spatially Localized Dynamo Magnetic Fields_ B Gallet_ S Aumaitre_ J Boisson_ F Daviaud_ B Dubr..>696.9 KiB2012-Apr-09 21:51
Explanation of the sea-serpent magnetic structure of sunspot penumbrae_ I N Kitiashvili_ L R Bellot Rubio_ TheAstrophysica..>294.7 KiB2011-Oct-27 13:36
Extending F107s Time Resolution to Capture Solar Flare Phenomena_ Ariel O Acebal_ 2008.pdf7.7 MiB2013-Feb-27 04:59
Extreme-Event Magnetic Storm Probabilities Derived From Rank Statistics of Historical Dst Intensities for Solar Cycles 14�..>2.3 MiB2021-Apr-29 18:32
Extreme solar events_ E W Cliver_ C J Schrijver_ K Shibata_ I G Usoskin_ 2022.pdf8.3 MiB2022-Jul-07 16:33
Factors Affecting The Intensity of Solar Energetic Particle Events_ Nat Gopalswamy_ arxiv11092933.pdf844.7 KiB2011-Sep-17 04:03
Faculae at the poles of the Sun revisited_ infrared observations_ J Blanco Rodriguez_ F Kneer_ 2010.pdf368.6 KiB2013-Feb-11 13:00
First Light of the Near-Infrared Narrow-Band Tunable Birefringent Filter at Big Bear Solar Observatory_ Wenda Cao_ Klaus H..>374.3 KiB2011-Dec-03 21:54
First Observation of Time Variation in the Solar-Disk Gamma-Ray Flux with Fermi_ arxiv150806276v1.pdf797.2 KiB2015-Sep-08 04:58
First Radio Evidence for Impulsive Heating Contribution to the Quiet Solar Corona_ S Mondal_ D Oberoi_ A Mohan_ 2020.pdf766.8 KiB2020-Jun-05 15:35
First Simultaneous Observation of H-alpha Moreton Wave, EUV Wave, and Filament Prominence Oscillations_ arxiv11125915.pdf530.4 KiB2011-Dec-30 05:43
First Sunquake of Solar Cycle 24 Observed by Solar Dynamics Observatory_ AG Kosovichev_ arxiv11023954.pdf343.7 KiB2011-Mar-01 14:46
Flare-associated type III radio bursts and dynamics of the EUV jet from SDO AIA and RHESSI observations_ arxiv13042907v1.pdf2.9 MiB2013-Apr-11 10:31
Flare and CME Properties and Rates at Sunspot Minimum_ Hugh S Hudson_ Yan Li_ SolStellAstroPhys_2003.pdf415.1 KiB2011-Aug-16 04:21
Flare differentially rotates sunspot on Suns surface_arxiv161002969.pdf1.3 MiB2017-Feb-14 04:45
Flare SOL2012-07-06_ on the origin of the circular polarization reversal between 17 GHz and 34 GHz_ arxiv170906252.pdf554.3 KiB2017-Oct-27 06:37
Flaring Solar Hale Sector Boundaries_ Leif Svalgaard_ Iain G Hannah_ arXiv10102710.pdf141.5 KiB2011-Aug-16 04:32
Forecasting a CME by Spectroscopic Precursor_ D Baker_ L van Driel-Gesztelyi_ L M Green_ 2011.pdf5.8 MiB2011-Dec-09 06:22
Forward modeling of emission in SDO AIA passbands from dynamic 3D simulations_ Juan Martinez-Sykora_ Bart De Pontieu_ Paol..>4.7 MiB2011-Sep-06 04:50
Frequency rising sub-THz emission from solar flare ribbons_ arxiv1810.03922.pdf421.7 KiB2018-Oct-10 07:33
Fundamentals of Solar Astronomy_ Arvind Bhatnagar_ William Livingston_ 2005.pdf36.0 MiB2011-Jul-04 20:29
G-band and Hard X-ray Emissions of the 2006 December 14 flare observed by Hinode SOT and RHESSI_ Kyoko Watanabe_ Sam Kruck..>1.4 MiB2011-Aug-16 04:17
Generation of electric currents in the chromosphere via neutral-ion drag_ V Krasnoselskikh_ G Vekstein_ H S Hudson_ S D Ba..>192.3 KiB2011-Aug-16 04:07
Geoeffectiveness and efficiency of CIR, Sheath and ICME in generation of magnetic storms_ arxiv11091073.pdf459.3 KiB2011-Sep-08 23:53
Geomagnetic Semiannual Variation Is Not Overestimated and Is Not an Artifact of Systematic Solar Hemispheric Asymmetry_ L ..>1.6 MiB2011-Aug-16 05:28
Globally Distributed Energetic Neutral Atoms Maps for the Croissant Heliosphere_ arxiv180805997.pdf9.5 MiB2018-Aug-24 03:27
Global Observations of the Interstellar Interaction from the Interstellar Boundary Explorer IBEX_ McComas et al_ 2009.pdf506.0 KiB2011-Aug-28 15:51
Global Solar Magnetic-field and Interplanetary Scintillations During the Past Four Solar Cycles_ arxiv1908.09134.pdf1.3 MiB2019-Aug-28 06:36
Grad-Shafranov reconstruction of magnetic clouds_ overview and improvements_ arxiv11081678.pdf901.0 KiB2011-Aug-12 07:40
Heliophysics gleaned from seismology_ arxiv12101114v1.pdf348.8 KiB2012-Nov-13 13:52
Heliophysics_ Evolving Solar Activity and the Climates of Space and Earth_ Carolus J Schrijver_ George L Siscoe_ 2010.pdf13.1 MiB2011-Oct-05 01:51
Heliophysics_ Space Storms and Radiation_ Causes and Effects_ Volume 2_ Carolus J Schrijver_ George L Siscoe_ 2010.pdf9.8 MiB2011-Aug-12 21:10
Helioseismology_ arxiv0207403.pdf1.6 MiB2015-Jul-03 18:22
HeRO_ A Space-Based Low Frequency Interferometric Observatory for Heliophysics Enabled by Novel Vector Sensor Technology_ ..>1.9 MiB2019-Jan-21 20:04
High-resolution spectro-polarimetry of a flaring sunspot penumbra_ arxiv09083803.pdf5.2 MiB2011-Nov-24 03:00
High-Resolution Time Profiles of Fiber Bursts at 1420 and 2695 MHz_ P Zlobec_ M Karlicky_ Solar Phys 2014.pdf670.7 KiB2014-Feb-15 02:52
History of Solar Magnetic Fields since George Ellery Hale_ arxiv150803312.pdf1.4 MiB2015-Aug-14 13:32
HMI_ first results_ Rebecca Centeno_ Steve Tomczyk1_ Juan Manuel Borrero_ Sebastien Couvidat_ Keiji Hayashi_ Todd Hoeksema..>982.4 KiB2011-Oct-06 09:15
How Local is the Local Interstellar Magnetic Field_ P C Frisch_ arxiv11113675.pdf510.8 KiB2012-Nov-13 07:20
Imaging interplanetary CMEs at radio frequency from solar polar orbit_ Sun Weiying et al_ AdvSpaceRes 2011.pdf1.1 MiB2013-Aug-16 17:31
Imaging of the solar atmosphere by the Siberian Solar Radio Telescope at 5.7 GHz with an enhanced dynamic range_ arxiv1310..>898.0 KiB2014-Feb-09 13:27
Imaging Spectropolarimetry of Ti I 2231 nm in a Sunspot_ W LIVINGSTON_ M J PENN_ W D CAO_ S R WALTON_ G A CHAPMAN_ 2002.pdf212.2 KiB2011-Oct-31 03:07
Imaging Spectroscopy of a White-Light Solar Flare_ JC Martinez Oliveros_ S Couvidat_ J Schou_ S Krucker_ C Lindsey_ HS Hud..>340.3 KiB2011-Aug-15 20:17
Impulsive phase flare energy transport by large-scale Alfven waves and the electron acceleration problem_ L Fletcher_ H S ..>645.3 KiB2011-Aug-16 04:26
Infrared Spectroscopy from San Fernando Observatory_ He I 1083 nm, O I 1316 nm, and Fe I 1565 nm_ M J Penn_ J A Ceja_ E Be..>134.7 KiB2011-Dec-07 03:42
Inter-network regions of the Sun at millimetre wavelengths_ S Wedemeyer-Bohm_ H G Ludwig_ M Steffen_ J Leenaarts_ B Freyta..>2.4 MiB2013-Mar-19 08:36
Interchange Slip-Running Reconnection and Sweeping Solar Energetic Particle Beams_ arxiv11095678.pdf1.8 MiB2011-Sep-27 05:04
Interplanetary magnetic structures guiding solar relativistic particles_ arxiv11106811v1.pdf2.6 MiB2012-Jan-28 10:42
Interplanetary Origin of Intense, Superintense, and Extreme Geomagnetic Storms_ Walter D Gonzalez et al_ 2011.pdf1.0 MiB2012-Nov-30 03:25
Intro solar physics_ part1_ Sami K Solanki_ 2005.pdf6.6 MiB2011-Oct-30 16:27
Intro solar physics_ part2_ Sami K Solanki_ 2005.pdf11.0 MiB2011-Oct-30 18:21
Investigation of the Neupert effect in solar flares_ I_ Statistical properties and the evaporation model_ A Veronig et al_..>731.5 KiB2011-Sep-10 04:45
Investigations of small-scale magnetic features on the solar surface_ arxiv13072410v1.pdf18.0 MiB2013-Jul-18 14:17
Ionized Plasma and Neutral Gas Coupling in the Suns Chromosphere and Earths Ionosphere Thermosphere_ arxiv13100405v4.pdf6.8 MiB2016-Sep-26 04:51
Latest news on zebra patterns_ arxiv151206311v2.pdf6.9 MiB2016-Apr-03 08:33
LEMUR_ Large European Module for solar Ultraviolet Research European contribution to JAXA's Solar-C mission_ arxiv11094301..>2.5 MiB2011-Sep-27 05:01
Local Helioseismology of Sunspots_ Current Status and Perspectives_ AG Kosovichev_ arxiv10104927v2.pdf4.2 MiB2011-Mar-01 15:31
Local Helioseismology_ Laurent Gizon_ lrsp 2005.pdf5.9 MiB2015-Jul-03 18:33
LOFAR tied-array imaging of Type III solar radio bursts_ arxiv14074385v1.pdf2.4 MiB2014-Jul-17 05:27
Long-range magnetic couplings between solar flares and coronal mass ejections observed by SDO and STEREO_ C J Schrijver_ A..>2.3 MiB2011-Oct-06 03:29
Long-Term Variations in the Growth and Decay Rates of Sunspot Groups_ J Javaraiah_ arxiv11051066.pdf750.2 KiB2011-Aug-24 11:25
Low Frequency Seeing and Solar Diameter Measurements_ Drift Scan_ arxiv12016463.pdf289.0 KiB2012-Feb-01 16:52
Magnetic Coupling between the Interior and Atmosphere of the Sun_ S Hasan_ R J Rutten_ 2010.pdf18.5 MiB2011-Aug-12 20:59
Magnetic Fields in the Atmospheres of the Sun and Stars Sami_ K Solanki_ SaasFee39_Handout_L1.pdf3.1 MiB2011-Oct-29 21:44
Magnetic Fields in the Solar Convection Zone_ Yuhong Fan_ lrsp-2009-4Color.pdf4.1 MiB2012-Mar-19 04:27
Magnetic Helicity and Large Scale Magnetic Fields_ A Primer_ arxiv14020933.pdf5.6 MiB2014-Mar-19 09:32
Magnetic Kelvin-Hemholtz Instability at the Sun_ foullon_preprint_apjl_2011.PDF1.1 MiB2011-Feb-05 00:30
Magnetic Reconnection During the Post-Impulsive Phase of a Long-Duration Solar Flare_ Bi-Directional Outflows as a Cause o..>7.8 MiB2021-Jul-13 15:34
Magnetic Reconnection_ Concepts and Applications_ Walter Gonzalez_ Eugene Parker_ 2016.pdf22.6 MiB2016-Sep-15 15:36
Magnetic Structure of Sunspots_ J M Borrero_ K Ichimoto_ arxiv11094412.pdf4.6 MiB2011-Sep-25 02:42
Magnetic tornadoes as energy channels into the solar corona_ Supplementary Materials_ Sven Wedemeye-Bohm_ Eamon Scullion_ ..>8.1 MiB2012-Jul-01 09:48
Magnetic tornadoes as energy channels into the solar corona_ Sven Wedemeye-Bohm_ Eamon Scullion_ Oskar Steiner_ Luc Rouppe..>3.6 MiB2012-Jul-01 09:47
Magnetography of Solar Flaring Loops with Microwave Imaging Spectropolarimetry_ D E Gary_ G D Fleishman_ G M Nita_ arxiv13..>953.3 KiB2015-May-17 00:17
Measurements of the Coronal Acceleration Region of a Solar Flare_ Sam Krucker_ H S Hudson_ L Glesener_ S M White_ S Masuda..>764.5 KiB2011-Sep-13 03:45
MHD wave transmission in the Suns atmosphere_ M Stangalini_ D Del Moro_ F Berrilli_ S M Jefferies_ arxiv11084576.pdf228.0 KiB2011-Aug-24 15:43
Microflares and the Statistics of X-ray Flares_ I G Hannah_ H S Hudson_ M Battaglia_ S Christe_ J Kasparova_ S Krucker_ M ..>2.2 MiB2011-Sep-06 05:00
Microwave View on Particle Acceleration in Flares_ Gregory D Fleishman_ arxiv13040384v1.pdf771.1 KiB2013-Apr-02 22:58
Modulation of neutral interstellar He, Ne, O in the heliosphere_ Survival probabilities and abundances at IBEX_ arxiv13064..>1.1 MiB2013-Jun-22 23:41
Momentum Balance in Eruptive Solar Flares_ The Vertical Lorentz force Acting on the Solar Atmosphere and the Solar Interio..>174.9 KiB2011-Aug-16 04:16
Multi-wavelength VLA and Spacecraft Observations of Evolving Coronal Structures Outside Flares_ R F Wilson_ iau223 2004.pdf514.7 KiB2014-Dec-22 12:19
Narrow-band full Stokes polarimetry of small structures on the Sun with speckle methods_ N Bello Gonzalez_ F Kneer_ 2007.pdf4.3 MiB2011-Nov-23 00:01
New Millennium Solar Physics_ M J Aschwanden_ AGU 2019.pdf28.4 MiB2019-Jun-10 02:33
New solar extreme ultraviolet irradiance observations during flares_ Woods et al_ ApJ_2011.pdf2.7 MiB2011-Oct-05 03:11
Nine Millennia of Solar Activity_ Leif Svalgaard_ 2019.pdf1.7 MiB2019-May-15 02:51
Nobeyama 17Ghz Brightness Temperature of Solar Polar Fields 1993-2006.pdf169.3 KiB2011-Aug-16 05:38
Nonthermal Hard X-ray Emission and Iron Kalpha Emission from a Superflare on II Pegasi_ arxiv0609205.pdf1.8 MiB2011-Sep-10 04:46
Nuclear Physics of Stars_ Christian Iliadis_ 2007.pdf64.2 MiB2014-Jan-19 18:09
Observation of the Evolution of a Current Sheet in a Solar Flare_ arxiv160307062.pdf979.3 KiB2016-Mar-24 11:21
Observations of Low Frequency Solar Radio Bursts from the Rosse Solar-Terrestrial Observatory_ P Zucca_ E P Carley_ J McCa..>1.2 MiB2012-Nov-24 04:53
Observations of Reconnecting Flare Loops with the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly_ AIA_ arxiv11092474.pdf1.4 MiB2011-Sep-17 04:17
Observations of the active Sun in the MHz to GHz range _ Presentation_ Nichole Vilmer_ 2013.pdf5.0 MiB2013-Mar-06 04:08
Observing coronal nanoflares in active region moss_ arxiv13051687v1.pdf508.1 KiB2013-May-14 22:10
On a Possible Explaination of the Long-Term Decrease in Suspot Field Strength_ Yury A Nagovitsin_ Alexei A Pevtsov_ Willia..>849.8 KiB2013-Jan-27 23:15
On Molecular Hydrogen Formation and the Magnetohydrostatic Equilibrium of Sunspots_ Sarah A Jaeggli_ Haosheng Lin_ Han Uit..>2.4 MiB2012-Feb-01 04:56
On Polar Magnetic Field Reversal and Surface Flux Transport During Solar Cycle 24_ Sun et al_ ApJ 2015.pdf1.9 MiB2016-Dec-25 10:44
On the Brightness and Waiting-time Distributions of a Type III Radio Storm observed by STEREO WAVES_ J P Eastwood_ M S Whe..>370.5 KiB2011-Aug-16 04:24
On the Effect of the Interplanetary Medium on Nanodust Observations by the Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory_ arxiv1..>379.7 KiB2015-Jan-16 00:29
On the Force-Freeness of the Photospheric Sunspot Magnetic Fields as Observed from Hinode SOT SP_ Sanjiv Kumar Tiwari_ arx..>791.7 KiB2011-Sep-19 08:47
On the Mechnical Energy Available to Drive Solar Flares_ A N McClymont_ G H Fisher_ arxiv10045318.pdf162.6 KiB2013-Jan-15 14:44
On the Relation between Solar Activity and Clear-Sky Terrestrial Irradiance_ arxiv12090602.pdf1.7 MiB2012-Sep-05 22:49
On the Triggering of M-Class Solar Flare due to Loop-loop Interaction in AR NOAA 10875_ arxiv11094730.pdf704.7 KiB2011-Sep-25 02:02
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