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Furnance for melt/ | - | 2012-Dec-16 12:12 |
5lb_single_sodiumnitrate_crystal.jpg | 34.4 KiB | 2011-Nov-07 11:49 |
1564.8nmFeI_line_zeeman-splitting.png | 83.3 KiB | 2011-Oct-29 21:32 |
A Method of Growing Oriented Sections of Certain Optical Crystals_C D West_ 1944.pdf | 739.1 KiB | 2011-Nov-05 22:06 |
A Polarizer, Using Sodium Nitrate Single Crystal, Designed as Part of an Optical Pumping Light Source_ J M Daniels_ P Kirk..> | 816.2 KiB | 2011-Nov-05 19:52 |
Bertrand-type_Feussner_polarizing_beamsplitter.png | 46.3 KiB | 2011-Dec-04 06:57 |
BK7_glass_reflectance.png | 4.5 KiB | 2011-Dec-04 11:02 |
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Enhancement of the crystalline perfection of 001 directed KDP single crystal_ P Ramasamy_ P Rajesh_ 2011.pdf | 744.5 KiB | 2011-Jul-13 16:57 |
FGR-300_non-shorting_heating_rope_hundredsofwatts-120ac.pdf.pdf | 193.5 KiB | 2011-Nov-07 08:11 |
Growth of KH2PO4 Crystals at Constant Temperature and Supersaturation_ G M Loiacono_ J Zola_ G Kostecky_ 1981.pdf | 1.2 MiB | 2011-Jul-13 16:21 |
Infrared lines as probes of solar magnetic features_ II_ Diagnostic capabilities of Fe I 15648.5 A and 15652.9 A_ Solanki,..> | 272.2 KiB | 2011-Nov-13 08:23 |
Infrared lines as probes of solar magnetic features_ VI_ The thermal-magnetic relation and Wilson depression of a simple s..> | 190.0 KiB | 2011-Nov-13 07:24 |
Infrared lines as probes of solar magnetic features_ V_ The magnetic structure of a simple sunspot and its canopy_ Solanki..> | 497.1 KiB | 2011-Nov-13 07:16 |
Intro solar physics_ part1_ Sami K Solanki_ 2005.pdf | 6.6 MiB | 2011-Oct-30 16:27 |
Intro solar physics_ part2_ Sami K Solanki_ 2005.pdf | 11.0 MiB | 2011-Oct-30 18:21 |
Link to A two-cell photoelectric polarimeter at the Uppsala Observatory used for observations of some magnetic variables a..> | 1.5 MiB | 2011-Nov-02 03:08 |
Link to High Speed partial Stokes imaging using a ferroelectric liquid crystal modulator_ Alberic Jaulin_ Laurent Bigue_ 2..> | 3.9 MiB | 2011-Oct-31 03:14 |
Link to Infrared Stokes imaging polarimeter using microbolometers_ Michael W Kudenov_ J Larry Pezzaniti_ Eustace L Derenia..> | 2.9 MiB | 2011-Oct-31 06:43 |
Link to Novel Direct Vision Prism and Wollaston Prism Assembly for Diffraction Limit Applications_ Nice Diagrams_ 2008_ iy..> | 403.1 KiB | 2011-Nov-02 17:39 |
Link to Optical design of a near-infrared birefringent filter system and measurement of birefringent index of calcite at 1..> | 244 B | 2025-Mar-31 12:00 |
Link to Polarimetry Techniques at Optical and Infrared Wavelengths_ J H Hough_ 2005.pdf | 185.3 KiB | 2011-Nov-02 17:42 |
Link to Practical Guide to Interpretive Near-Infrared Spectroscopy_ Jerry Workman_ Lois Weyer_ 2007.pdf | 24.4 MiB | 2011-Nov-03 06:08 |
Link to Spectrograph Design Fundamentals_ John James_ 2007.pdf | 1.1 MiB | 2011-Oct-27 12:37 |
Link to Spectropolarimetry of a Sunspot at 1565nm_ Penumbral Moving Magnetic Features_ M J Penn_ S A Jaeggli_ C J Henney_ ..> | 856.7 KiB | 2011-Oct-31 03:11 |
Link to Techniques in solar polarimetry and magnetography_ Achim Gandorfer_ MPS overheadslideshow.pdf | 155 B | 2025-Mar-31 12:00 |
Link to Type_Of_Prisms.png | 97.0 KiB | 2011-Nov-02 05:45 |
lyot_filter.png | 412.2 KiB | 2011-Nov-30 21:39 |
lyot_filter_sm.png | 125.7 KiB | 2011-Nov-30 21:42 |
Manufacturing Method of the Sodium Nitrate Polarizers_ USP3075869.pdf | 106.9 KiB | 2011-Nov-06 02:01 |
microbolometer_stokes_polarimeter.png | 107.6 KiB | 2011-Dec-04 11:10 |
Near infrared waveplate_ Stretched Polyvinyl Alcohol_ 1560nm_ Dongguang Wan_ Yuanyong Deng_ Wenda Cao_ ProcSPIE-5492_ 2004..> | 230.9 KiB | 2011-Dec-03 21:26 |
Observation of 3-D Birefringence Distribution of Polymer Thin Film by Near-Field Optical Microscope_ PVA Film Stretching T..> | 460.0 KiB | 2011-Dec-04 02:26 |
oldstyle_sodium-nitrate_polarimters.png | 146.2 KiB | 2011-Nov-07 11:46 |
Polarization and Application_ BBSO_ Wenda Cao_ Phys780_Lecture08.pdf | 2.7 MiB | 2011-Dec-04 06:36 |
Polarization and Application_ Near Infrared Polarimetry of Sun_ BBSO_ Wenda Cao_ Phys780_Lecture08.pdf | 2.7 MiB | 2011-Nov-23 10:47 |
Polarizer with birefringent plate_ Raymond Hesline_ US5724184A.pdf | 116.6 KiB | 2011-Nov-30 03:17 |
PVA_spincoating.png | 43.8 KiB | 2011-Dec-04 05:12 |
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Saas Fee Advanced Course 39_ Magnetic Fields in Stars_ From the Sun to Compact Objects_ Les Diablerets 2009.pdf | 22.1 MiB | 2011-Oct-30 12:08 |
schematic_sodium-nitrate_single-crystal_growth_with_mica-template.png | 17.5 KiB | 2011-Nov-29 05:00 |
sodium-nitrate-crystal_capiliary_templated_beamsplitter.png | 18.9 KiB | 2011-Nov-07 11:56 |
sodium-nitrate-plus-mica-template-plate_low_temp_Czochralski.png | 17.8 KiB | 2011-Nov-07 10:16 |
sodium-nitrate_transmission_bands.png | 12.0 KiB | 2011-Nov-07 07:42 |
sodium-nitrate_transmission_bands_2.png | 9.6 KiB | 2011-Dec-01 02:02 |
Solar Filters_ BBSO_ Wenda Cao_ Phys780_Lecture07.pdf | 2.9 MiB | 2011-Nov-23 10:48 |
Solar Polarimetry_ Christoph Keller_ SolPhys_2010_L05_Polarimetry1.pdf | 2.0 MiB | 2011-Nov-22 01:30 |
Solar Polarimetry_ Christoph Keller_ SolPhys_2010_L06_Polarimetry2.pdf | 2.2 MiB | 2011-Nov-22 01:30 |
SolPhys_2010_L05_Polarimetry1.pdf | 2.0 MiB | 2011-Nov-25 21:01 |
SolPhys_2010_L06_Polarimetry2.pdf | 2.2 MiB | 2011-Nov-25 21:01 |
Temperature Dependence of Molecular Line Strengths and Fe I 1565 nm Zeeman Splitting in a Sunspot_ M J Penn_ | 744.3 KiB | 2011-Oct-29 21:27 |
The infrared absorption spectra of sodium nitrate and calcite_ A K Ramdas_ 1953.pdf | 380.2 KiB | 2011-Dec-01 02:10 |
Universal birefringent filter with a new double passband mode_ Jingshan Wang_ Guoxiang Ai_ Guofeng Song_ Bin Zhang_ Xiangm..> | 459.4 KiB | 2011-Dec-04 02:32 |